Red Dead Redemption 2 Boar
Class Mammal
Size Large

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Boar can be hunted and skinned for crafting materials, it's a Large sized Mammal animal. We recommend using a Rifle or a Sniper to hunt this animal. You can craft a Boar Tusk Talisman at the Fence Shop using it's materials and cook the Tender Pork Loin meal from hunting it, Wild Boar, Legendary Boar.

You can Click/Tap the Names of Animals, Plants, Fish and even Locations to view more information about them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Boar Locations

Every type of Boar found in RDR2.

Using the best weapons to hunt a Boar in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Since this animal is omnivore you should use Predator Bait and Herbivore Bait to attract it in the wild.

Boar Perfect Quality Kill Weapons.

  • Use Predator Bait and Herbivore Bait
  • Bow with Arrow
  • Bow with Poison Arrow
  • Throwable with Poison Throwing Knife
  • Rifle with Regular
  • Rifle with Split Point
  • Rifle with High Velocity
  • Rifle with Express
  • Sniper with Regular
  • Sniper with Split Point
  • Sniper with High Velocity
  • Sniper with Express

Regular Boar Locations

    RDR2 Boar Locations

    RDR2 Legendary Boar Locations

    Legendary Boar materials can be used to craft Talismans or Trinkets. You can view other types of Legendary Animals HERE.

    • You can find the Legendary Boar near Bluewater Marsh, and just north of Lagras
    RDR2 Legendary Boar Locations

    Wild Boar

    • Wild Boars can be found across the states of New Hanover, Lemoyne, and West Elizabeth.
    • They are omnivores, preying on amphibians, reptiles, insects, worms, and smaller mammals.
    • They also eat roots and fruit.
    • Using either a rifle or a Bow with Poison Arrows is the easiest way to take down an animal of this size.
    • A boar's tender pork can be eaten, and their fat and tusks can be used to craft with.

    Locations where you can find:


    Legendary Boar

    • The Legendary Boar is native to Bluewater Marsh.
    • This boar can be easily recognized by its larger size and its light brown hair.
    • As an omnivore, it preys on amphibians, reptiles, insects, worms, and smaller mammals.
    • The best weapon to use when hunting this animal is either a rifle or a Bow with Poison Arrows.
    • Killing this animal will give you the opportunity to craft a rare talisman.

    Locations where you can find:


    Boar Cooking Recipes

    Cooking recipes you can use with this animal.

    Recipe Name Regular Thyme Type Oregano Type Mint Type
    Tender Pork Loin Plain Pork Thyme Pork Oregano Pork Minty Pork

    Boar Materials

    The materials you will receive from hunting and skinning an Boar will depend on the animal quality and kill quality.

    Material Cost Kill Quality
    Legendary Boar Pelt $22 Legendary Only
    Perfect Boar Skin $2.1 Perfect Kill
    Good Boar Skin $1.26 Good Kill
    Poor Boar Skin $0.84 Poor Kill
    Tender Pork Loin $0.6 Any
    Boar Tusks $0.45 Any
    Animal Fat $0.25 Any
    Legendary Boar Tusk $0 Legendary Only

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Boar Crafting

    What you can make from Boar crafting materials.

    Trapper Crafting

    Item Name Pricing How to unlock
    Boar Mother Hubbard Saddle $90.00 Perfect Boar Pelt
    Legendary Boar & Bison Fowlers $37.00 Legendary Boar Pelt, Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt
    Boar & Bull Fowler Boots $31.00 Perfect Ox Hide, Perfect Boar Pelt
    Bull Fowler Boots $29.00 Perfect Boar Pelt, Perfect Bull Hide
    Snake Skin Cavalry Gloves $26.00 Perfect Boar Pelt, Perfect Snake Skin
    Boar Fringed Shotgun Chaps $25.00 Perfect Boar Pelt x2
    Legendary Beaver Flop Hat $22.00 Legendary Beaver Pelt, Legendary Boar Pelt, Cardinal Feather
    Legendary Cougar Riding Gloves $20.00 Legendary Cougar Pelt, Perfect Boar Pelt
    Boar Riding Gloves $15.00 Perfect Boar Pelt, Perfect Rabbit Pelt x2
    Legendary Ram Rifleman Gloves $12.00 Legendary Ram Hide, Perfect Boar Pelt
    Huntsman Accessory $10.00 Perfect Boar Pelt, Hawk Feather, Quail Feather x2

    Fence Crafting

    Recipe Name Effect How to obtain Type Price
    Boar Tusk Talisman Lowers Core drain speed of your horse's Health and Stamina by 10% Gold Earring, Cobalt Petrified Wood, Legendary Boar Tusk General $31

    Where to find these Special Crafting Materials

    Ingredient How to get
    Gold Earring Located in a nightstand drawer during the Watson's Cabin home robbery
    Cobalt Petrified Wood Located in a chest hidden under a rock cliff Northwest of lake Isabella

    Camp Crafting

    Used for It makes Crafting ingredients
    Arthur's Lodging Boar Skin Table Cover Perfect Boar Pelt
    John's Lodging Boar Skin Rug 4x Perfect Boar Pelt
    Satchel Materials Satchel (Craft 3 Recipes at a Campfire) - Perfect Deer Pelt, Perfect Boar Pelt, Perfect Iguana Pelt

    Item Crafting

    Recipe Name Ingredients Where to find Description
    Fire Arrow – 1x Arrow – 1x Animal Fat – 1x Flight Feather Received at the start of Chapter 2 + 20 Damage | Incendiary Effect
    Volatile Dynamite – 1x Animal Fat – 1x Dynamite – 1x High Velocity Cartridge Located at Hani’s Bethel just north of the small pond, you will find a chest beneath a broken down wagon. | Also sold by Fences after “American Distillation” +10 Damage
    Volatile Fire Bottle – 1x Animal Fat – 1x Moonshine Located Northwest of Horseshoe Overlook, you will find an abandoned camp inside a burned down forest. You will receive it from a chest | Also sold by Fences after “Pouring Forth Oil” + 10 Damage
    Fire Bottle – 1x Animal Fat – 1x Gin, Guarma Rum, Fine Brandy or Kentucky Bourbon Received at the start of Chapter 2 AOE Fire Damage on Impact
    Explosive Cartridge – 1x Express Cartridge – 1x Animal Fat Received at the start of Chapter 2 + 25 Damage | Explosive Effect
    Explosive Slug – 1x Regular Shotgun Shell – 1x Animal Fat Located between Gaptooth Ridge and Cholla Springs is a burned down alchemist house, right outside it you will find a chest with a pamphlet | Also sold by Fences after “A Short Walk in a Pretty Town” + 25 Damage | + 20 Accuracy | + 5 Range | Explosive Effect