Welcome to our Pokemon Lets Go Type Chart every pokemon types weakness and strengths. There are a total of 18 types and below you can view how they stack up against each other.
Super Effective Against | |
Normal Against | |
Not Very Effective | |
No Effect |
Pokemon Let’s Go Type Chart
Do you know about Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB)?
You will deal increased damage if your Move is the same type as the Pokemon you’re attacking (For example, a Fire move being used on a Fire Pokemon). In this scenario, the damage will be 1.5 times the normal amount. Again, even this can stack with the other damage amplifiers. This game feature is something players should keep in mind when viewing this Chart.
Did You Know? You can transfer Mobile Pokemon GO pokemon to your Let’s Go game. You can view the full guide on how to transfer pokemon here.
Not sure who evolves from what? Have a look at our Evolution Chart.
Pokemon Lets Go Evolution Chart
You can view more Nintendo Switch Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee Guides HERE