Welcome to our Elden Ring Guides Hub. Here you can find every guide we have for ER. You can use this page as a database when researching what Weapons, Armor, Skill, and Spells you want for your Builds. We also included information for each location, such as what you will find in the area regarding Equipment, Bosses, Monsters, and even Materials.
Elden Ring Guides

All Guides
List of all our guides in Elden Ring
- B
- Best Armor Sets Tier List
- Best Armor Tier List
- Best Ash Of War Tier List
- Best Builds To Use
- Best Class To Use
- Best Skills Tier List
- Best Spells Tier List
- Best Spirits Tier List
- Best Talismans Tier List
- Best Weapons Tier List
- Bestial Incantations
- Bleed Armor
- Blood Incantations
- Bosses List
- Builds List
- C
- Carian Sorceries
- Classes List
- Claymen Sorceries
- Crafting Recipes List
- Creatures List
- Crystalian Sorceries
- D
- Day And Night Cycle
- Death Sorceries
- Dexterity Armor
- Dragon Communion Incantations
- Dragon Cult Incantations
- F
- Faith Armor
- Fire Giant Incantations
- Fire Monk Incantations
- Frenzied Flame Incantations
- Full Moon Sorceries
Elden Ring Class Guides
List of all the classes you can choose from ER.
Elden Ring Build Guides Based on Type
List of all the builds based on Stat Type and Weapon Type in ER.
Elden Ring Best Weapons Based on Type
Ranking the best weapons and shield based on type in ER.
- A
- Axe
Elden Ring Weapons
List of weapons and shield you can use in ER.
- A
- Academy Glintstone Staff
- Alabaster Lord's Sword
- Albinauric Bow
- Albinauric Shield
- Albinauric Staff
- Ant's Skull Plate
- Antspur Rapier
- Arbalest
- Astrologer's Staff
- Axe of Godfrey
- Axe of Godrick
- Azur's Glintstone Staff
- B
- Bandit's Curved Sword
- Banished Knight's Greatsword
- Banished Knight's Halberd
- Banished Knight's Shield
- Bastard Sword
- Bastard's Stars
- Battle Axe
- Battle Hammer
- Beast Crest Heater Shield
- Beast-Repellent Torch
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Beastman's Cleaver
- Beastman's Curved Sword
- Beastman's Jar-Shield
- Black Bow
- Black Knife
- Black Leather Shield
- Blade of Calling
- Blasphemous Blade
- Bloodhound Claws
- Bloodhound's Fang
- Bloodstained Dagger
- Bloody Helice
- Blue Crest Heater Shield
- Blue-Gold Kite Shield
- Blue-White Wooden Shield
- Bolt of Gransax
- Brass Shield
- Briar Greatshield
- Brick Hammer
- Broadsword
- Buckler
- Butchering Knife
- C
- Caestus
- Candletree Wooden Shield
- Cane Sword
- Carian Glintblade Staff
- Carian Glintstone Staff
- Carian Knight's Shield
- Carian Knight's Sword
- Carian Regal Scepter
- Celebrant's Cleaver
- Celebrant's Rib-Rake
- Celebrant's Sickle
- Celebrant's Skull
- Celebrant\'s Cleaver
- Chainlink Flail
- Cinquedea
- Cipher Pata
- Clawmark Seal
- Clayman's Harpoon
- Claymore
- Cleanrot Knight's Sword
- Cleanrot Spear
- Clinging Bone
- Club
- Coded Sword
- Coil Shield
- Commander's Standard
- Composite Bow
- Cranial Vessel Candlestand
- Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow
- Cross-Naginata
- Crossed-Tree Towershield
- Crucible Hornshield
- Crystal Knife
- Crystal Spear
- Crystal Staff
- Crystal Sword
- Cuckoo Greatshield
- Curved Club
- Curved Great Club
- D
- Dagger
- Dark Moon Greatsword
- Death Ritual Spear
- Death's Poker
- Demi-Human Queen's Staff
- Devourer's Scepter
- Digger's Staff
- Dismounter
- Distinguished Greatshield
- Dragon Communion Seal
- Dragon Greatclaw
- Dragon Halberd
- Dragon King's Cragblade
- Dragon Towershield
- Dragonclaw Shield
- Dragonscale Blade
- Duelist Greataxe
- E
- Eclipse Crest Greatshield
- Eclipse Crest Heater Shield
- Eclipse Shotel
- Eleonora's Poleblade
- Envoy's Greathorn
- Envoy's Horn
- Envoy's Long Horn
- Erdsteel Dagger
- Erdtree Bow
- Erdtree Greatbow
- Erdtree Greatshield
- Erdtree Seal
- Estoc
- Executioner's Greataxe
- F
- Falchion
- Fallingstar Beast Jaw
- Family Heads
- Finger Seal
- Fingerprint Stone Shield
- Flail
- Flamberge
- Flame Crest Wooden Shield
- Flowing Curved Sword
- Forked Greatsword
- Forked Hatchet
- Frenzied Flame Seal
- Frozen Needle
- Full Moon Crossbow
- G
- Gargoyle's Black Axe
- Gargoyle's Black Halberd
- Gargoyle's Blackblade
- Gargoyle's Great Axe
- Gargoyle's Greatsword
- Gargoyle's Halberd
- Gargoyle's Twinblade
- Gelmir Glintstone Staff
- Ghiza's Wheel
- Ghostflame Torch
- Giant's Red Braid
- Giant's Seal
- Giant-Crusher
- Gilded Greatshield
- Gilded Iron Shield
- Glaive
- Glintstone Kris
- Glintstone Staff
- Godskin Peeler
- Godskin Stitcher
- Godslayer's Greatsword
- Godslayer's Seal
- Golden Beast Crest Shield
- Golden Epitaph
- Golden Greatshield
- Golden Halberd
- Golden Order Greatsword
- Golden Order Seal
- Golem Greatbow
- Golem's Halberd
- Grafted Blade Greatsword
- Grafted Dragon
- Grave Scythe
- Gravel Stone Seal
- Great Club
- Great Epee
- Great Knife
- Great Mace
- Great Omenkiller Cleaver
- Great Stars
- Great Turtle Shell
- Greataxe
- Greatbow
- Greathorn Hammer
- Greatsword
- Grossmesser
- Guardian's Swordspear
- H
- Halberd
- Haligtree Crest Greatshield
- Halo Scythe
- Hammer
- Hand Axe
- Hand Ballista
- Hand of Malenia
- Harp Bow
- Hawk Crest Wooden Shield
- Heater Shield
- Heavy Crossbow
- Helphen's Steeple
- Highland Axe
- Hookclaws
- Horn Bow
- Horse Crest Wooden Shield
- Hoslow's Petal Whip
- I
- Ice Crest Shield
- Icerind Hatchet
- Icon Shield
- Inquisitor's Girandole
- Inseparable Sword
- Inverted Hawk Heater Shield
- Inverted Hawk Towershield
- Iron Ball
- Iron Cleaver
- Iron Greatsword
- Iron Roundshield
- Iron Spear
- Ivory Sickle
- L
- Lance
- Large Club
- Large Leather Shield
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword
- Light Crossbow
- Lion Greatbow
- Longbow
- Longhaft Axe
- Longsword
- Lordsworn's Greatsword
- Lordsworn's Shield
- Lordsworn's Straight Sword
- Loretta's War Sickle
- Lucerne
- Lusat's Glintstone Staff
- M
- Mace
- Magma Blade
- Magma Whip Candlestick
- Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
- Maliketh's Black Blade
- Man-Serpent's Shield
- Manor Towershield
- Mantis Blade
- Marais Executioner's Sword
- Marika's Hammer
- Marred Leather Shield
- Meteoric Ore Blade
- Meteorite Staff
- Miquellan Knight's Sword
- Misbegotten Shortbow
- Misericorde
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Monk's Flameblade
- Monk's Flamemace
- Moonveil
- Morgott's Cursed Sword
- Morning Star
- N
- Nagakiba
- Nightrider Flail
- Nightrider Glaive
- Noble's Estoc
- Noble's Slender Sword
- Nox Flowing Hammer
- Nox Flowing Sword
- P
- Parrying Dagger
- Partisan
- Perfumer's Shield
- Pest's Glaive
- Pickaxe
- Pike
- Pillory Shield
- Prelate's Inferno Crozier
- Prince of Death's Staff
- Pulley Bow
- Pulley Crossbow
- R
- Rapier
- Raptor Talons
- Red Branch Shortbow
- Red Crest Heater Shield
- Red Thorn Roundshield
- Redmane Greatshield
- Reduvia
- Regalia of Eochaid
- Rickety Shield
- Rift Shield
- Ringed Finger
- Ripple Blade
- Ripple Crescent Halberd
- Rivers of Blood
- Riveted Wooden Shield
- Rogier's Rapier
- Rosus' Axe
- Rotten Battle Hammer
- Rotten Crystal Spear
- Rotten Crystal Staff
- Rotten Crystal Sword
- Rotten Greataxe
- Rotten Staff
- Round Shield
- Royal Greatsword
- Ruins Greatsword
- Rusted Anchor
- S
- Sacred Relic Sword
- Sacrificial Axe
- Scavenger's Curved Sword
- Scepter of the All-Knowing
- Scimitar
- Scorpion Kite Shield
- Scorpion's Stinger
- Scripture Wooden Shield
- Scythe
- Sentry's Torch
- Serpent Bow
- Serpent-God's Curved Sword
- Serpent-Hunter
- Serpentbone Blade
- Shamshir
- Shield of the Guilty
- Short Spear
- Short Sword
- Shortbow
- Shotel
- Siluria's Tree
- Silver Mirrorshield
- Smoldering Shield
- Soldier's Crossbow
- Spear
- Spiked Caestus
- Spiked Club
- Spiked Palisade Shield
- Spiked Spear
- Spiralhorn Shield
- St. Trina's Torch
- Staff of Loss
- Staff of the Avatar
- Staff of the Guilty
- Star Fist
- Starscourge Greatsword
- Steel-Wire Torch
- Stone Club
- Stormhawk Axe
- Sun Realm Shield
- Sword of Milos
- Sword of Night and Flame
- Sword of St. Trina
- T
- Thorned Whip
- Torch
- Torchpole
- Treespear
- Troll Knight's Sword
- Troll's Golden Sword
- Troll's Hammer
- Twinbird Kite Shield
- Twinblade
- Twinned Knight Swords
- V
- Varré's Bouquet
- Venomous Fang
- Veteran's Prosthesis
- Visage Shield
- Vulgar Militia Saw
- Vulgar Militia Shotel
- Vyke's War Spear
Elden Ring Weapon Types
List of weapon and shield types in ER.
- A
- Axe
Elden Ring Weapon Damage Types
List of Weapons Damage Types in ER.
Elden Ring Weapon Scaling Types
List of Weapons Scaling Types in ER.
- H
- Hero
Elden Ring Armor Sets
List of Armor Sets you can find and use in ER.
- B
- Bandit Set
- Banished Knight Set
- Battlemage Set
- Beast Champion Set
- Black Knife Set
- Blackflame Monk Set
- Blaidd's Set
- Bloodhound Knight Set
- Bloodsoaked Set
- Blue Cloth Set
- Blue Festive Set
- Blue Silver Set
- Briar Set
- Bull-Goat Set
- C
- Carian Knight Set
- Chain Set
- Champion Set
- Cleanrot Set
- Commoners of the Lands Between Set
- Confessor Set
- Consort's Set
- Crucible Set
- Crucible Tree Set
- Cuckoo Knight Set
- F
- Festive Set
- Fia's Set
- Finger Maiden Set
- Fingerprint Set
- Fire Monk Set
- Fire Prelate Set
- Foot Soldier Set
- Fur Set
- G
- Gelmir Knight Set
- General Radahn Set
- Godrick Knight Set
- Godskin Apostle Set
- Godskin Noble Set
- Goldmask's Set
- Guardian Set
- Guilty Set
- L
- Land of Reeds Set
- Lazuli Sorcerer Set
- Leather Set
- Leyndell Knight Set
- Leyndell Soldier Set
- Lionel's Set
- Lusat's Set
- M
- Malenia's Set
- Malformed Dragon Set
- Maliketh's Set
- Marionette Soldier Set
- Mausoleum Knight Set
- Mausoleum Soldier Set
- Melina's Set
- Mushroom Set
- N
- Night Maiden Set
- Night's Cavalry Set
- Noble's Set
- Nomadic Merchant's Set
- Nox Monk Set
- Nox Swordstress Set
Elden Ring Best Armor based on Type
List of the Best Armor based on Type in ER.
Elden Ring Armor
List of Armor you can find and use in ER.
- A
- Alberich's Bracers
- Alberich's Pointed Hat
- Alberich's Robe
- Alberich's Trousers
- Albinauric Mask
- All-Knowing Armor
- All-Knowing Gauntlet
- All-Knowing Greaves
- All-Knowing Helm
- Aristocrat Boots
- Aristocrat Coat
- Aristocrat Garb
- Aristocrat Hat
- Aristocrat Headband
- Ash-of-War Scarab
- Astrologer Gloves
- Astrologer Hood
- Astrologer Robe
- Astrologer Trousers
- Azur's Glintstone Crown
- Azur's Glintstone Robe
- Azur's Manchettes
- B
- Bandit Boots
- Bandit Garb
- Bandit Manchettes
- Bandit Mask
- Banished Knight Armor
- Banished Knight Gauntlets
- Banished Knight Greaves
- Banished Knight Helm
- Battlemage Legwraps
- Battlemage Manchettes
- Battlemage Robe
- Beast Champion Armor
- Beast Champion Gauntlets
- Beast Champion Greaves
- Beast Champion Helm
- Black Dumpling
- Black Hood
- Black Knife Armor
- Black Knife Gauntlets
- Black Knife Greaves
- Black Knife Hood
- Black Wolf Mask
- Blackflame Monk Armor
- Blackflame Monk Gauntlets
- Blackflame Monk Greaves
- Blackflame Monk Hood
- Blackguard's Iron Mask
- Blaidd's Armor
- Blaidd's Gauntlets
- Blaidd's Greaves
- Bloodhound Knight Armor
- Bloodhound Knight Gauntlets
- Bloodhound Knight Greaves
- Bloodhound Knight Helm
- Bloodsoaked Manchettes
- Bloodsoaked Mask
- Bloodsoaked Tabard
- Blue Cloth Cowl
- Blue Cloth Vest
- Blue Festive Garb
- Blue Festive Hood
- Blue Silver Bracelets
- Blue Silver Mail Armor
- Blue Silver Mail Hood
- Blue Silver Mail Skirt
- Brave's Bracer
- Brave's Cord Circlet
- Brave's Leather Helm
- Brave's Legwraps
- Briar Armor
- Briar Gauntlets
- Briar Greaves
- Briar Helm
- Bull-Goat Armor
- Bull-Goat Gauntlets
- Bull-Goat Greaves
- Bull-Goat Helm
- C
- Carian Knight Armor
- Carian Knight Gauntlets
- Carian Knight Greaves
- Carian Knight Helm
- Cerulean Tear Scarab
- Chain Armor
- Chain Coif
- Chain Gauntlets
- Chain Leggings
- Chain-Draped Tabard
- Champion Bracers
- Champion Gaiters
- Champion Headband
- Champion Pauldron
- Cleanrot Armor
- Cleanrot Gauntlets
- Cleanrot Greaves
- Cleanrot Helm
- Cloth Garb
- Cloth Trousers
- Commoner's Garb
- Commoner's Headband
- Commoner's Shoes
- Commoner's Simple Garb
- Confessor Armor
- Confessor Boots
- Confessor Gloves
- Confessor Hood
- Consort's Mask
- Consort's Robe
- Consort's Trousers
- Corhyn\'s Robe
- Crimson Hood
- Crimson Tear Scarab
- Crucible Axe Armor
- Crucible Axe Helm
- Crucible Gauntlets
- Crucible Greaves
- Crucible Tree Armor
- Crucible Tree Helm
- Cuckoo Knight Armor
- Cuckoo Knight Gauntlets
- Cuckoo Knight Greaves
- Cuckoo Knight Helm
- Cuckoo Surcoat
- D
- Deathbed Dress
- Deathbed Smalls
- Depraved Perfumer Gloves
- Depraved Perfumer Headscarf
- Depraved Perfumer Robe
- Depraved Perfumer Trousers
- Diallos's Mask
- Dirty Chainmail
- Drake Knight Armor
- Drake Knight Gauntlets
- Drake Knight Greaves
- Drake Knight Helm
- Duelist Greaves
- Duelist Helm
- E
- Eccentric's Armor
- Eccentric's Breeches
- Eccentric's Hood
- Eccentric's Manchettes
- Elden Lord Armor
- Elden Lord Bracers
- Elden Lord Crown
- Elden Lord Greaves
- Envoy Crown
- Erdtree Surcoat
- Errant Sorcerer Boots
- Errant Sorcerer Manchettes
- Errant Sorcerer Robe
- Exile Armor
- Exile Gauntlets
- Exile Greaves
- Exile Hood
- Eye Surcoat
- F
- Fell Omen Cloak
- Festive Garb
- Festive Hood
- Fia's Hood
- Fia's Robe
- Finger Maiden Fillet
- Finger Maiden Robe
- Finger Maiden Shoes
- Fingerprint Armor
- Fingerprint Gauntlets
- Fingerprint Greaves
- Fingerprint Helm
- Fire Monk Armor
- Fire Monk Gauntlets
- Fire Monk Greaves
- Fire Monk Hood
- Fire Prelate Armor
- Fire Prelate Gauntlets
- Fire Prelate Greaves
- Fire Prelate Helm
- Foot Soldier Cap
- Foot Soldier Gauntlets
- Foot Soldier Greaves
- Foot Soldier Helm
- Foot Soldier Helmet
- Foot Soldier Tabard
- Fur Leggings
- Fur Raiment
- G
- Gelmir Knight Armor
- Gelmir Knight Gauntlets
- Gelmir Knight Greaves
- Gelmir Knight Helm
- Gilded Foot Soldier Cap
- Glintstone Scarab
- Godrick Knight Armor
- Godrick Knight Gauntlets
- Godrick Knight Greaves
- Godrick Knight Helm
- Godrick Soldier Greaves
- Godrick Soldier Helm
- Godskin Apostle Bracelets
- Godskin Apostle Hood
- Godskin Apostle Robe
- Godskin Apostle Trousers
- Godskin Noble Bracelets
- Godskin Noble Hood
- Godskin Noble Robe
- Godskin Noble Trousers
- Gold Bracelets
- Gold Waistwrap
- Golden Prosthetic
- Goldmask's Rags
- Grass Hair Ornament
- Gravekeeper Cloak
- Great Horned Headband
- Greathelm
- Greathood
- Guardian Armor
- Guardian Bracers
- Guardian Garb
- Guardian Greaves
- Guardian Mask
- Guilty Hood
- H
- Haima Glintstone Crown
- Haligtree Crest Surcoat
- Haligtree Gauntlets
- Haligtree Greaves
- Haligtree Helm
- Haligtree Knight Armor
- Haligtree Knight Gauntlets
- Haligtree Knight Greaves
- Haligtree Knight Helm
- Hierodas Glintstone Crown
- High Page Clothes
- High Page Hood
- Highwayman Cloth Armor
- Highwayman Gauntlets
- Highwayman Hood
- Hoslow's Armor
- Hoslow's Gauntlets
- Hoslow's Greaves
- Hoslow's Helm
- I
- Iji's Mirrorhelm
- Imp Head Cat
- Imp Head Corpse
- Imp Head Elder
- Imp Head Fanged
- Imp Head Long-Tongued
- Imp Head Wolf
- Incantation Scarab
- Iron Gauntlets
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Kasa
- Ivory-Draped Tabard
- K
- Kaiden Armor
- Kaiden Gauntlets
- Kaiden Helm
- Kaiden Trousers
- Karolos Glintstone Crown
- Knight Armor
- Knight Gauntlets
- Knight Greaves
- Knight Helm
- L
- Land of Reeds Armor
- Land of Reeds Gauntlets
- Land of Reeds Greaves
- Land of Reeds Helm
- Lazuli Glintstone Crown
- Lazuli Robe
- Leather Armor
- Leather Boots
- Leather Gloves
- Leather Trousers
- Leather-Draped Tabard
- Leyndell Knight Armor
- Leyndell Knight Gauntlets
- Leyndell Knight Greaves
- Leyndell Knight Helm
- Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets
- Leyndell Soldier Greaves
- Leyndell Soldier Helm
- Lionel's Armor
- Lionel's Gauntlets
- Lionel's Greaves
- Lionel's Helm
- Lusat's Glintstone Crown
- Lusat's Manchettes
- Lusat's Robe
- M
- Malenia's Gauntlet
- Malenia's Greaves
- Malenia's Winged Helm
- Malenia\'s Armor
- Malformed Dragon Armor
- Malformed Dragon Gauntlets
- Malformed Dragon Greaves
- Malformed Dragon Helm
- Maliketh's Armor
- Maliketh's Gauntlets
- Maliketh's Greaves
- Maliketh's Helm
- Marais Mask
- Marais Robe
- Marionette Soldier Armor
- Marionette Soldier Birdhelm
- Marionette Soldier Helm
- Mask of Confidence
- Mausoleum Gauntlets
- Mausoleum Greaves
- Mausoleum Knight Armor
- Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets
- Mausoleum Knight Greaves
- Mausoleum Surcoat
- Millicent's Gloves
- Mushroom Arms
- Mushroom Body
- Mushroom Crown
- Mushroom Head
- Mushroom Legs
- N
- Navy Hood
- Night Maiden Armor
- Night Maiden Twin Crown
- Night's Cavalry Armor
- Night's Cavalry Gauntlets
- Night's Cavalry Greaves
- Night's Cavalry Helm
- Noble's Gloves
- Noble's Traveling Garb
- Noble's Trousers
- Nomadic Merchant's Chapeau
- Nomadic Merchant's Finery
- Nomadic Merchant's Trousers
- Nox Mirrorhelm
- Nox Monk Armor
- Nox Monk Bracelets
- Nox Monk Greaves
- Nox Monk Hood
- Nox Swordstress Armor
- Nox Swordstress Crown
- O
- Octopus Head
- Official\'s Attire
- Okina Mask
- Old Aristocrat Cowl
- Old Aristocrat Gown
- Old Aristocrat Shoes
- Old Sorcerer's Legwraps
- Olivinus Glintstone Crown
- Omen Armor
- Omen Gauntlets
- Omen Greaves
- Omen Helm
- Omenkiller Boots
- Omenkiller Long Gloves
- Omenkiller Robe
- Omensmirk Mask
- P
- Page Garb
- Page Hood
- Page Trousers
- Perfumer Gloves
- Perfumer Hood
- Perfumer Robe
- Perfumer Sarong
- Perfumer's Traveling Garb
- Preceptor's Big Hat
- Preceptor's Gloves
- Preceptor's Long Gown
- Preceptor's Trousers
- Prisoner Clothing
- Prisoner Iron Mask
- Prisoner Trousers
- Prophet Blindfold
- Prophet Robe
- Prophet Trousers
- Pumpkin Helm
- R
- Radahn Soldier Greaves
- Radahn Soldier Helm
- Radahn's Gauntlets
- Radahn's Greaves
- Radahn's Lion Armor
- Radahn's Redmane Helm
- Radiant Gold Mask
- Ragged Armor
- Ragged Gloves
- Ragged Hat
- Ragged Loincloth
- Raging Wolf Armor
- Raging Wolf Gauntlets
- Raging Wolf Greaves
- Raging Wolf Helm
- Raptors Black Feathers
- Raya Lucarian Gauntlets
- Raya Lucarian Greaves
- Raya Lucarian Helm
- Raya Lucarian Robe
- Redmane Knight Armor
- Redmane Knight Gauntlets
- Redmane Knight Greaves
- Redmane Knight Helm
- Redmane Surcoat
- Ronin's Armor
- Ronin's Gauntlets
- Ronin's Greaves
- Rotten Duelist Greaves
- Rotten Duelist Helm
- Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak
- Royal Knight Armor
- Royal Knight Gauntlets
- Royal Knight Greaves
- Royal Knight Helm
- Royal Remains Armor
- Royal Remains Gauntlets
- Royal Remains Greaves
- Royal Remains Helm
- Ruler's Mask
- Ruler's Robe
- S
- Sacred Crown Helm
- Sage Hood
- Sage Robe
- Sage Trousers
- Sanguine Noble Hood
- Sanguine Noble Robe
- Sanguine Noble Waistcloth
- Scale Armor
- Scaled Armor
- Scaled Gauntlets
- Scaled Greaves
- Scaled Helm
- Scarlet Tabard
- Shaman Furs
- Shaman Leggings
- Shining Horned Headband
- Silver Tear Mask
- Skeletal Mask
- Snow Witch Hat
- Snow Witch Robe
- Snow Witch Skirt
- Sorcerer Leggings
- Sorcerer Manchettes
- Spellblade's Gloves
- Spellblade's Pointed Hat
- Spellblade's Traveling Attire
- Spellblade's Trousers
- T
- Traveler's Boots
- Traveler's Gloves
- Traveler's Hat
- Traveler's Manchettes
- Traveler's Slops
- Travelers Clothes
- Traveling Maiden Boots
- Traveling Maiden Gloves
- Traveling Maiden Hood
- Traveling Maiden Robe
- Tree Sentinel Armor
- Tree Sentinel Gauntlets
- Tree Sentinel Greaves
- Tree Sentinel Helm
- Tree Surcoat
- Tree-and-Beast Surcoat
- Twinned Armor
- Twinned Gauntlets
- Twinned Greaves
- Twinned Helm
- Twinsage Glintstone Crown
- V
- Vagabond Knight Armor
- Vagabond Knight Gauntlets
- Vagabond Knight Greaves
- Vagabond Knight Helm
- Veteran's Armor
- Veteran's Gauntlets
- Veteran's Greaves
- Veteran's Helm
- Vulgar Militia Armor
- Vulgar Militia Gauntlets
- Vulgar Militia Greaves
- Vulgar Militia Helm
Elden Ring Armor Types
List of Armor types in ER.
Elden Ring Talismans
List of Talismans you can find and use in ER.
- A
- Ancestral Spirit's Horn
- Arrow's Reach Talisman
- Arrow's Sting Talisman
- Arsenal Charm
- Assassin's Cerulean Dagger
- Assassin's Crimson Dagger
- Axe Talisman
- B
- Blessed Dew Talisman
- Blue Dancer Charm
- Blue-Feathered Branchsword
- Boltdrake Talisman
- Bull-Goat's Talisman
- C
- Carian Filigreed Crest
- Cerulean Amber Medallion
- Cerulean Seed Talisman
- Clarifying Horn Charm
- Claw Talisman
- Companion Jar
- Concealing Veil
- Crepu's Vial
- Crepus's Vial
- Crimson Amber Medallion
- Crimson Seed Talisman
- Crucible Feather Talisman
- Crucible Knot Talisman
- Crucible Scale Talisman
- Curved Sword Talisman
- F
- Faithful Canvas Talisman
- Fire Scorpion Charm
- Flamedrake Talisman
- Flock's Canvas Talisman
- Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror
- G
- Godfrey Icon
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth
- Golden Scarab
- Graven-Mass Talisman
- Graven-School Talisman
- Great-Jar's Arsenal
- Greatshield Talisman
- Green Turtle Talisman
- M
- Magic Scorpion Charm
- Marika's Scarseal
- Marika's Soreseal
- Millicent's Prosthesis
- Moon of Nokstella
- Mottled Necklace
- P
- Pearldrake Talisman
- Perfumer's Talisman
- Primal Glintstone Blade
- Prince of Death's Pustule
- Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom
- R
- Radagon Icon
- Radagon's Scarseal
- Radagon's Soreseal
- Red-Feathered Branchsword
- Ritual Shield Talisman
- Ritual Sword Talisman
- Roar Medallion
- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Elden Ring Spirits
List of Spirits you can summon in ER.
- A
- Albinauric Ashes
- Ancestral Follower Ashes
- Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff Ashes
- Archer Ashes
- Avionette Soldier Ashes
- Azula Beastman Ashes
- B
- Banished Knight Engvall Ashes
- Banished Knight Oleg Ashes
- Battlemage Hugues Ashes
- Black Knife Tiche
- Blackflame Monk Amon Ashes
- Bloodhound Knight Floh
- M
- Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes
- Man-Serpent Ashes
- Marionette Soldier Ashes
- Mausoleum Soldier Ashes
- Mimic Tear Ashes
- Miranda Sprout Ashes
- N
- Nepheli Loux Puppet
- Nightmaiden & Swordtress Puppets
- Noble Sorcerer Ashes
- Nomad Ashes
- Northern Mercenary Ashes
Elden Ring Spells
List of Spells you can find and use in ER.
- A
- Adula's Moonblade
- Agheel's Flame
- Ambush Shard
- Ancient Death Rancor
- Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear
- Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike
- Aspect of the Crucible Breath
- Aspect of the Crucible Tail
- Aspects of the Crucible Horns
- Assassin's Approach
- B
- Barrier of Gold
- Beast Claw
- Bestial Constitution
- Bestial Sling
- Bestial Vitality
- Black Blade
- Black Flame
- Black Flame Blade
- Black Flame Ritual
- Black Flame's Protection
- Blessing of the Erdtree
- Blessing's Boon
- Bloodboon
- Bloodflame Blade
- Bloodflame Talons
- Borealis's Mist
- Briars of Punishment
- Briars of Sin
- Burn O Flame!
- C
- Cannon of Haima
- Carian Greatsword
- Carian Phalanx
- Carian Piercer
- Carian Retaliation
- Carian Slicer
- Catch Flame
- Collapsing Stars
- Comet
- Comet Azur
- Crystal Barrage
- Crystal Burst
- Crystal Release
- Crystal Torrent
- Cure Poison
- D
- Darkness
- Death Lightning
- Discus of Light
- Divine Fortification
- Dragonbolt Blessing
- Dragonclaw
- Dragonfire
- Dragonice
- Dragonmaw
- F
- Fia's Mist
- Fire's Deadly Sin
- Flame Cleanse Me
- Flame Fall Upon Them
- Flame Fortification
- Flame Grant me Strength
- Flame Protect Me
- Flame Sling
- Flame of the Fell God
- Fortissax's Lightning Spear
- Founding Rain of Stars
- Freezing Mist
- Frenzied Burst
- Frozen Armament
- Frozen Lightning Spear
- G
- Gavel of Haima
- Gelmir's Fury
- Giantsflame Take Thee
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Glintstone Arc
- Glintstone Breath
- Glintstone Cometshard
- Glintstone Icecrag
- Glintstone Pebble
- Glintstone Stars
- Golden Lightning Fortification
- Golden Vow
- Gravity Well
- Great Glintstone Shard
- Great Heal
- Great Oracular Bubble
- Greatblade Phalanx
- Greyoll's Roar
- Gurranq's Beast Claw
- L
- Lansseax's Glaive
- Law of Causality
- Law of Regression
- Lightning Fortification
- Lightning Spear
- Lightning Strike
- Litany of Proper Death
- Lord's Aid
- Lord's Divine Fortification
- Lord's Heal
- Loretta's Greatbow
- Loretta's Mastery
- Lucidity
- M
- Magic Bubble
- Magic Downpour
- Magic Fortification
- Magic Glintblade
- Magma Breath
- Magma Shot
- Meteorite
- Meteorite of Astel
- R
- Radagon's Rings of Light
- Rancorcall
- Ranni's Dark Moon
- Rejection
- Rennala's Full Moon
- Rock Blaster
- Rock Sling
- Roiling Magma
- Rotten Breath
- Rykard's Rancor
- S
- Scarlet Aeonia
- Scholar's Armament
- Scholar's Shield
- Scouring Black Flame
- Shadow Bait
- Shard Spiral
- Shatter Earth
- Shattering Crystal
- Smarag's Glintstone Breath
- Star Shower
- Starlight
- Stars of Ruin
- Stone of Gurranq
- Surge O Flame!
- Swarm of Flies
- Swift Glintstone Shard
Elden Ring Spell Types
List of spell types in ER.
Elden Ring Spell Damage Types
List of spell damage types in ER.
Elden Ring Skills
List of Armor you can use in ER.
- B
- Barbaric Roar
- Barrage
- Barricade Shield
- Bear Witness!
- Beast's Roar
- Black Flame Tornado
- Blade of Death
- Blood Blade
- Blood Tax
- Bloodboon Ritual
- Bloodhound's Finesse
- Bloodhound's Step
- Bloodhund's Finesse
- Bloody Slash
- Braggart's Roar
- Brave War Cry
- Buckler Parry
- C
- Carian Glintsword
- Carian Grandeur
- Carian Greatsword
- Carian Retaliation
- Charge Forth
- Chilling Mist
- Corpse Piler
- Corpse Wax Cutter
- Cragblade
- Cursed-Blood Slice
- F
- Firebreather
- Fires of Slumber
- Firing Position
- Flame Dance
- Flame Spit
- Flame of the Redmanes
- Flaming Strike
- Flowing Form
- Frenzy
- G
- Giant Hunt
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Glintstone Dart
- Glintstone Pebble
- Glintsword Arc
- Golden Land
- Golden Retaliation
- Golden Slam
- Golden Tempering
- Golden Vow
- Gravitas
- Gravity Bolt
- Great Oracular Bubble
- Great-Serpent Hunt
- Ground Slam
- R
- Radahn's Rain
- Raptor of the Mists
- Reduvia Blood Blade
- Regal Roar
- Repeating Thrust
- Royal Knight's Resolve
- S
- Sacred Blade
- Sacred Order
- Sacred Ring of Light
- Sea of Magma
- Seppuku
- Shield Bash
- Shriek of Milos
- Siluria's Woe
- Sorcerer Hunter
- Sorcery of the Crozier
- Soul Stifler
- Spectral Lance
- Spinning Chain
- Spinning Slash
- Spinning Strikes
- Spinning Weapon
- Spinning Wheel
- Square Off
- Stamp Sweep
- Stamp Upward Cut
- Starcaller Cry
- Step In (Upward Cut)
- Storm Assault
- Storm Blade
- Storm Kick
- Storm Stomp
- Storm Wall
- Stormcaller
- Surge of Faith
- Sword Dance
Elden Ring Skill Types
List of Skill types in ER.
Elden Ring Items
List of Items you can craft and use in ER.
- A
- Academy Glintstone Key
- Academy Scroll
- Acid Spraymist
- Amber Starlight
- Ancestral Infant's Head
- Ancestral Spirit's Horn
- Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 1
- Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 2
- Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 3
- Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 4
- Ancient Dragon Prayerbook
- Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
- Armorer's Cookbook 1
- Armorer's Cookbook 2
- Armorer's Cookbook 3
- Armorer's Cookbook 4
- Armorer's Cookbook 5
- Armorer's Cookbook 6
- Armorer's Cookbook 7
- Arrow
- Ash of War Assassin's Gambit
- Ash of War Barbaric Roar
- Ash of War Barrage
- Ash of War Barricade Shield
- Ash of War Beast's Roar
- Ash of War Black Flame Tornado
- Ash of War Blood Blade
- Ash of War Blood Tax
- Ash of War Bloodhound's Step
- Ash of War Bloody Slash
- Ash of War Braggart's Roar
- Ash of War Carian Grandeur
- Ash of War Carian Greatsword
- Ash of War Carian Retaliation
- Ash of War Charge Forth
- Ash of War Chilling Mist
- Ash of War Cragblade
- Ash of War Determination
- Ash of War Double Slash
- Ash of War Earthshaker
- Ash of War Enchanted Shot
- Ash of War Endure
- Ash of War Eruption
- Ash of War Flame of the Redmanes
- Ash of War Flaming Strike
- Ash of War Giant Hunt
- Ash of War Glintblade Phalanx
- Ash of War Glintstone Pebble
- Ash of War Golden Slam
- Ash of War Golden Vow
- Ash of War Gravitas
- Ash of War Ground Slam
- Ash of War Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker
- Ash of War Hoarfrost Stomp
- Ash of War Holy Ground
- Ash of War Ice Spear
- Ash of War Impaling Thrust
- Ash of War Kick
- Ash of War Lifesteal Fist
- Ash of War Lightning Ram
- Ash of War Lightning Slash
- Ash of War Lion's Claw
- Ash of War Loretta's Slash
- Ash of War Mighty Shot
- Ash of War No Skill
- Ash of War Parry
- Ash of War Phantom Slash
- Ash of War Piercing Fang
- Ash of War Poison Moth Flight
- Ash of War Poisonous Mist
- Ash of War Prayerful Strike
- Ash of War Prelate's Charge
- Ash of War Quickstep
- Ash of War Rain of Arrows
- Ash of War Raptor of the Mists
- Ash of War Repeating Thrust
- Ash of War Royal Knight's Resolve
- Ash of War Sacred Blade
- Ash of War Sacred Order
- Ash of War Sacred Ring of Light
- Ash of War Seppuku
- Ash of War Shared Order
- Ash of War Shield Bash
- Ash of War Shield Crash
- Ash of War Sky Shot
- Ash of War Spectral Lance
- Ash of War Spinning Slash
- Ash of War Spinning Strikes
- Ash of War Spinning Weapon
- Ash of War Square Off
- Ash of War Stamp Sweep
- Ash of War Stamp Upward Cut
- Ash of War Storm Blade
- Ash of War Storm Stomp
- Ash of War Storm Wall
- Ash of War Stormcaller
- Ash of War Sword Dance
- Ash of War Thops's Barrier
- Ash of War Through and Through
- Ash of War Thunderbolt
- Ash of War Troll's Roar
- Ash of War Unsheathe
- Ash of War Vacuum Slice
- Ash of War Vow of the Indomitable
- Ash of War War Cry
- Ash of War Waves of Darkness
- Ash of War White Shadow's Lure
- Ash of War Wild Strikes
- Assassin's Prayerbook
- B
- Baldachin's Blessing
- Ballista Bolt
- Beast Eye
- Beastlure Pot
- Bewitching Branch
- Black Knifeprint
- Black Whetblade
- Black-Key Bolt
- Blasphemous Claw
- Blood Grease
- Bloodboil Aromatic
- Bloodbone Arrow
- Bloodbone Arrow Fletched
- Bloodbone Bolt
- Bloody Finger
- Blue Cipher Ring
- Boiled Prawn
- Bolt
- Bone Arrow
- Bone Arrow Fletched
- Bone Ballista Bolt
- Bone Bolt
- Bone Dart
- Bone Great Arrow
- Bone Great Arrow Fletched
- Bone Knife
- Burred Bolt
- C
- Carian Inverted Statue
- Celestial Dew
- Cerulean Crystal Tear
- Cerulean Hidden Tear
- Chrysalids' Memento
- Clarifying Boluses
- Clarifying Cured Meat
- Clarifying White Cured Meat
- Coldbone Arrow
- Coldbone Arrow Fletched
- Coldbone Bolt
- Conspectus Scroll
- Crafting Kit
- Crimson Bubbletear
- Crimson Crystal Tear
- Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
- Crimsonspill Crystal Tear
- Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear
- Crystal Dart
- Cuckoo Glintstone
- Cured Immunizing Meat
- Cursed-Blood Pot
- Cursemark of Death
- D
- D's Bell Bearing
- Dappled Cured Meat
- Dappled White Cured Meat
- Dark Moon Ring
- Deathroot
- Dectus Medallion Left
- Dectus Medallion Right
- Default Crafting
- Deserter's Cookbook 1
- Deserter's Cookbook 2
- Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear
- Discarded Palace Key
- Dragon Cult Prayerbook
- Dragon Heart
- Dragonwound Grease
- Drawing-Room Key
- Drawstring Blood Grease
- Drawstring Fire Grease
- Drawstring Holy Grease
- Drawstring Lightning Grease
- Drawstring Magic Grease
- Drawstring Rot Grease
- Duelist's Furled Finger
- Dwelling Arrow
- E
- Elden Remembrance
- Exalted Flesh
- Explosive Bolt
- Explosive Greatbolt
- Explosive Stone
- Explosive Stone Clump
- F
- Faith-knot Crystal Tear
- Fan Daggers
- Festering Bloody Finger
- Fetid Pot
- Fevor's Cookbook 1
- Fevor's Cookbook 2
- Fevor's Cookbook 3
- Finger Severer
- Fingerprint Grape
- Fingerslayer Blade
- Fire Arrow
- Fire Grease
- Fire Monks' Prayerbook
- Fire Pot
- Firebone Arrow
- Firebone Arrow Fletched
- Firebone Bolt
- Fireproof Dried Liver
- Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear
- Flaming Bolt
- Flask of Cerulean Tears
- Flask of Crimson Tears
- Flask of Wondrous Physick
- Freezing Grease
- Freezing Pot
- Frenzied's Cookbook 1
- Frenzied's Cookbook 2
- Frenzyflame Stone
- Fringefolk's Rune
- Frozen Raisin
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy
- Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror
- G
- Ghost Glovewort 1
- Ghost Glovewort 2
- Ghost Glovewort 3
- Ghost Glovewort 4
- Ghost Glovewort 5
- Ghost Glovewort 6
- Ghost Glovewort 7
- Ghost Glovewort 9
- Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 1
- Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2
- Giant's Prayerbook
- Giantsflame Fire Pot
- Glass Shard
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 1
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 2
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 3
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 4
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 5
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 6
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 7
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 8
- Glintstone Scrap
- Glintstone Whetblade
- Glowstone
- Godskin Prayerbook
- Gold Sewing Needle
- Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
- Golden Arrow
- Golden Bolt
- Golden Great Arrow
- Golden Rune 1
- Golden Rune 10
- Golden Rune 11
- Golden Rune 13
- Golden Rune 2
- Golden Rune 3
- Golden Rune 4
- Golden Rune 5
- Golden Rune 6
- Golden Rune 7
- Golden Rune 8
- Golden Rune 9
- Golden Seed
- Golden Tailoring Tools
- Golem's Great Arrow
- Golem's Magic Arrow
- Grace Mimic
- Grave Glovewort 1
- Grave Glovewort 2
- Grave Glovewort 3
- Grave Glovewort 4
- Grave Glovewort 5
- Gravity Stone Chunk
- Gravity Stone Fan
- Great Arrow
- Great Ghost Glovewort
- Great Rune of the Unborn
- Greenburst Crystal Tear
- Greenspill Crystal Tear
- H
- Haligbone Arrow
- Haligbone Arrow Fletched
- Haligbone Bolt
- Haligtree Secret Medallion Left
- Haligtree Secret Medallion Right
- Heavy Meteorite Fragment
- Hero's Rune 2
- Hero's Rune 3
- Hero's Rune 4
- Holy Grease
- Holy Water Pot
- Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear
- Holyproof Dried Liver
- Host's Trick-Mirror
- I
- Imbued Sword Key
- Immunizing Cured Meat
- Immunizing White Cured Meat
- Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear
- Invigorating Cured Meat
- Invigorating White Cured Meat
- Irina's Letter
- Iron Whetblade
- L
- Lands Between Rune
- Lantern
- Large Glintstone Scrap
- Larval Tear
- Leaden Hardtear
- Lightning Grease
- Lightning Greatbolt
- Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear
- Lightningbone Arrow
- Lightningbone Arrow Fletched
- Lightningbone Bolt
- Lightningproof Dried Liver
- Lord's Rune
- Lordsworn's Bolt
- Lost Ashes of War
- M
- Magic Grease
- Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
- Magicbone Arrow
- Magicbone Arrow Fletched
- Magicbone Bolt
- Map Ainsel River
- Map Altus Plateau
- Map Caelid
- Map Concecrated Snowfield
- Map Deeproot Depths
- Map Dragonbarrow
- Map East Limgrave
- Map Lake of Rot
- Map Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Map Liurnia of the Lakes East
- Map Liurnia of the Lakes North
- Map Liurnia of the Lakes West
- Map Mohgwyn Palaca
- Map Mountaintops of the Giants East
- Map Mountaintops of the Giants West
- Map Mt. Gelmir
- Map Siofra River
- Map Weeping Peninsula
- Map West Limgrave
- Margit's Shackle
- Memory Stone
- Memory of Grace
- Meteor Bolt
- Mimic's Veil
- Miniature Ranni
- Mirage Riddle
- Missionary's Cookbook 1
- Missionary's Cookbook 2
- Missionary's Cookbook 3
- Missionary's Cookbook 4
- Missionary's Cookbook 5
- Missionary's Cookbook 6
- Missionary's Cookbook 7
- Mohg's Shackle
- N
- Neutralizing Boluses
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 1
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 10
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 11
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 12
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 13
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 14
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 15
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 16
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 18
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 19
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 20
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 21
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 22
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 23
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 24
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 3
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 4
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 5
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 6
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 7
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 8
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 9
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17
- Numen's Rune
- P
- Pauper's Rune
- Perfume Bottle
- Perfumer's Bolt
- Perfumer's Cookbook 1
- Perfumer's Cookbook 2
- Perfumer's Cookbook 3
- Perfumer's Cookbook 4
- Pickled Turtle Neck
- Poison Grease
- Poison Pot
- Poison Spraymist
- Poisonbone Arrow
- Poisonbone Arrow Fletched
- Poisonbone Bolt
- Poisonbone Dart
- Poisoned Stone
- Poisoned Stone Clump
- Prattling Pate Apologies
- Prattling Pate Hello
- Prattling Pate Please help
- Prattling Pate Thank you
- Prattling Pate Wonderful
- Prattling Pate You're beautiful
- Preserving Boluses
- Purifying Crystal Tear
- R
- Radahn's Great Rune
- Radahn's Spear
- Radiant Baldachin's Blessing
- Rainbow Stone
- Rainbow Stone Arrow
- Rainbow Stone Arrow Fletched
- Rancor Pot
- Raw Meat Dumpling
- Recusant Finger
- Red-Hot Whetblade
- Regal Omen Bairn
- Rejuvenating Boluces
- Rejuvenating Boluses
- Remembrance of Hoarah Loux
- Remembrance of the Black Blade
- Remembrance of the Blasphemous
- Remembrance of the Blood Lord
- Remembrance of the Dragonlord
- Remembrance of the Fire Giant
- Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
- Remembrance of the Grafted
- Remembrance of the Lichdragon
- Remembrance of the Naturalborn
- Remembrance of the Omen King
- Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor
- Remembrance of the Rot Goddess
- Remembrance of the Starscourge
- Ritual Pot
- Rogier's Bell Bearing
- Rold Medallion
- Roped Fetid Pot
- Roped Fire Pot
- Roped Holy Water Pot
- Roped Oil Pot
- Roped Poison Pot
- Roped Volcano Pot
- Rot Grease
- Rot Pot
- Rotbone Arrow
- Rotbone Arrow Fletched
- Rotbone Bolt
- Rowa Raisin
- Royal House Scroll
- Rune Arc
- Ruptured Crystal Tear
- Rusty Key
- S
- Sacred Order Pot
- Sacred Tear
- Sancrified Whetblade
- Scriptstone
- Seedbed Curse
- Seluvis's Bell Bearing
- Seluvis's Introduction
- Seluvis's Potion
- Serpent Arrow
- Sewer-Gaol Key
- Sewing Needle
- Shabriri Grape
- Shattershard Arrow
- Shattershard Arrow Fletched
- Shield Grease
- Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
- Sleep Pot
- Sleepbone Arrow
- Sleepbone Arrow Fletched
- Sleepbone Bolt
- Small Golden Effigy
- Small Red Effigy
- Smithing Stone 1
- Smithing Stone 2
- Smithing Stone 3
- Smithing Stone 4
- Smithing Stone 5
- Smithing Stone 6
- Smithing Stone 7
- Smithing Stone 8
- Smithing Stone 9
- Smithing Stone Shard
- Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1
- Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2
- Snake Uterus
- Soap
- Soft Cotton
- Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
- Somber Smithing Stone 1
- Somber Smithing Stone 10
- Somber Smithing Stone 2
- Somber Smithing Stone 3
- Somber Smithing Stone 4
- Somber Smithing Stone 5
- Somber Smithing Stone 6
- Somber Smithing Stone 7
- Somber Smithing Stone 8
- Somber Smithing Stone 9
- Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 1
- Soporific Grease
- Spark Aromatic
- Speckled Hardtear
- Spectral Steed Whistle
- Spellproof Dried Liver
- Spiked Cracked Tear
- Spirit Calling Bell
- Spiritflame Arrow
- St. Trina's Arrow
- Stanching Boluses
- Starlight Shards
- Staunching Boluses
- Stimulating Boluses
- Stonebarb Cracked Tear
- Stonesword Key
- Storm Arrow
- Stormwing Bone Arrow
- Strength-knot Crystal Tear
Elden Ring Item Types
List of Item types in ER.
Elden Ring Ashes of War Types
List of Ashes of War types in ER.
Elden Ring Materials
List of Materials you can use to craft items in ER.
- G
- Glintstone Firefly
- Glintstone Scrap
- Gold-Tinged Excrement
- Golden Centipede
- Golden Rowa
- Golden Sunflower
- Grave Violet
- Gravel Stone
- Great Dragonfly Head
- S
- Sacramental Bud
- Sanctuary Stone
- Silver Firefly
- Sliver of Meat
- Slumbering Egg
- Smoldering Butterfly
- String
- Strip of White Flesh
Elden Ring Locations
List of Locations such as Regions, Dungeons and details on what monsters and materials you can find in the area.
- A
- Academy Crystal Cave
- Academy Gate Town
- Aeonia Swamp
- Ailing Village
- Ainsel River
- Ainsel River Well
- Albinauric Rise
- Altus Plateau
- Altus Tunnel
- Apostate Derelict
- Artist's Shack
- Auriza Hero's Grave
- C
- Caelem Ruins
- Caelid
- Caelid Waypoint Ruins
- Callu Baptismal Church
- Capital Outskirts
- Caria Manor
- Carian Study Hall
- Castle Morne
- Castle Sol
- Cathedral of Dragon Communion Caelid
- Cathedral of Manus Celes
- Cathedral of the Forsaken
- Chapel of Anticipation
- Chelona's Rise
- Church of Dragon Communion
- Church of Elleh
- Church of Inhibition
- Church of Irith
- Church of Pilgrimage
- Church of Repose
- Church of Vows
- Church of the Plague
- Cliffbottom Catacombs
- Coastal Cave
- Consecrated Snowfield
- Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs
- Converted Fringe Tower
- Converted Tower
- Corpse-Stench Shack
- Craftsman's Shack
- Crumbling Farum Azula
- Cuckoo's Evergaol
- D
- Deathtouched Catacombs
- Deep Ainsel Well
- Deep Siofra Well
- Deeproot Depths
- Demi-Human Forest Ruins
- Divine Tower of Caelid
- Divine Tower of Limgrave
- Divine Tower of West Altus
- Dominula, Windmill Village
- Dragon-Burnt Ruins
- Dragonbarrow
- Dragonbarrow Cave
- F
- First Church of Marika
- Forbidden Lands
- Forest Lookout Tower
- Forge of the Giants
- Forlorn Hound Evergaol
- Forsaken Ruins
- Fort Faroth
- Fort Gael
- Fort Haight
- Fort Laiedd
- Fourth Church of Marika
- Frenzied Flame Village
- Fringefolk Hero's Grave
- G
- Gael Tunnel
- Gaol Cave
- Gatefront Ruins
- Gelmir Hero's Grave
- Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave
- Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs
- Golden Lineage Evergaol
- Gowry's Shack
- Grand Cloister
- Grand Lift of Dectus
- Grand Lift of Rold
- Groveside Cave
- Guardians' Garrison
- H
- Hallowhorn Grounds
- Heretical Rise
- Hermit Village
- Hermit's Shack
- Hidden Path to the Haligtree
- Highroad Cave
- Highway Lookout Tower
- L
- Lake of Rot
- Lakeside Crystal Cave
- Laskyar Ruins
- Lenne's Rise
- Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Limgrave
- Limgrave Tunnels
- Liurnia of the Lakes
- Lord Contender's Evergaol
- Lunar Estate Ruins
- Lux Ruins
- M
- Malefactor's Evergaol
- Minor Erdtree Caelid
- Minor Erdtree Catacombs
- Minor Erdtree Church
- Minor Erdtree Liurnia Southwest
- Minor Erdtree Mistwood
- Minor Erdtree Weeping Peninsula
- Miquella's Haligtree
- Mistwood
- Mistwood Ruins
- Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum
- Mohgwyn Palace
- Moonfolk Ruins
- Morne Tunnel
- Mountaintops of the Giants
- Mt. Gelmir
- Murkwater Catacombs
- Murkwater Cave
- R
- Ranni's Rise
- Raya Lucaria Academy
- Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel
- Redmane Castle
- Renna's Rise
- Revenger's Shack
- Ringleader's Evergaol
- Road's End Catacombs
- Rose Church
- Roundtable Hold
- Royal Grave Evergaol
- Ruin-Strewn Precipice
- S
- Sage's Cave
- Sealed Tunnel
- Second Church of Marika
- Seethewater Cave
- Sellia Crystal Tunnel
- Sellia Evergoal
- Sellia Gateway
- Sellia Town of Sorcery
- Seluvis's Rise
- Shack of the Lofty
- Shack of the Rotting
- Siofra Aqueduct
- Siofra River
- Siofra River Well
- Slumbering Wolf's Shack
- Smoldering Church
- Spiritcaller's Cave
- Stargazer's Ruins
- Stillwater Cave
- Stormfoot Catacombs
- Stormgate
- Stormhill
- Stormhill Evergaol
- Stormhill Shack
- Stormveil Castle
- Stranded Graveyard
- Street of Sages Ruins
- Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
- Summonwater Village
- T
- Temple Quarter
- Testu's Rise
- The Four Belfries
- The Shaded Castle
- Third Church of Marika
- Tombsward Catacombs
- Tombsward Cave
- Tombsward Ruins
- Tower of Return
Elden Ring Merchants
List of Merchants and where to find them, we also included what items they sell and the important ones you should pick up as you visit them in er.
Elden Ring Bosses
List of Bosses and their Drops, we included information on where to find them as well.
- A
- Abductor Virgins
- Adan, Thief of Fire
- Alabaster Lord
- Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader
- Ancestor Spirit
- Ancient Dragon Lansseax
- Ancient Hero of Zamor
- Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
- Astel, Stars of Darkness
- B
- Battlemage Hugues
- Beast Clergyman
- Beast of Farum Azula
- Bell Bearing Hunter
- Black Blade Kindred
- Black Knife Assassin
- Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
- Bols, Carian Knight
- Borealis the Freezing Fog
- C
- Cemetery Shade
- Cleanrot Knight
- Commander Niall
- Commander O'Neil
- Crucible Knight
- Crucible Knight Ordovis
- Crucible Knight Siluria
- Crystalian Ringblade
- Crystalian Spear & Crystalian Ringblade
- Crystalian Spear & Crystalian Staff
- Crystalians
- D
- Death Rite Bird
- Deathbird
- Decaying Ekzykes
- Demi-Human Chief
- Demi-Human Queen Gilika
- Demi-Human Queen Maggie
- Demi-Human Queen Margot
- Divine Bridge Golem
- Draconic Tree Sentinel
- Dragonkin Soldier
- Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
- Dragonlord Placidusax
- E
- Elden Beast
- Elder Dragon Greyoll
- Elemer of the Briar
- Erdtree Avatar
- Erdtree Burial Watchdog
- Esgar, Priest of Blood
- F
- Fallingstar Beast
- Fell Twins
- Festering Fingerprint Vyke
- Fia's Champions
- Fire Giant
- Flying Dragon Agheel
- Flying Dragon Greyll
- Frenzied Duelist
- Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
- G
- Glinstone Dragon Adula
- Glintstone Dragon Smarag
- God-Devouring Serpent
- Godefroy the Grafted
- Godfrey, First Elden Lord
- Godfrey, First Elden Lord Hoarah Loux
- Godrick the Grafted
- Godskin Apostle
- Godskin Duo
- Godskin Noble
- Golem Archer
- Grafted Scion
- Grave Warden Duelist
- Great Wyrm Theodorix
- Guardian Golem
- M
- Mad Pumpkin Head
- Magma Wyrm
- Magma Wyrm Makar
- Malenia, Blade of Miquella
- Maliketh, The Black Blade
- Margit the Fell Omen
- Margit, the Fell Omen
- Mimic Tear
- Miranda the Blighted Bloom
- Misbegotten Crusader
- Misbegotten Warrior
- Mohg, Lord of Blood
- Mohg, the Omen
- Morgott, The Omen King
- P
- Patches
- Perfumer Tricia
- Putrid Avatar
- Putrid Crystalian Trio
- Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
- Putrid Tree Spirit
- R
- Radagon of the Golden Order
- Red Wolf of Radagon
- Red Wolf of the Champion
- Regal Ancestor Spirit
- Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
- Royal Knight Loretta
- Royal Revenant
- Runebear
- Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
Elden Ring Creatures
List of Creatures and their Drops, we included information on where to find them as well.
- A
- Abnormal Stone Cluster
- Albinauric
- Albinauric Wolfback Archer
- Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater
- Arcane Sphere of Faces
- Azula Beastman
- B
- Baleful Shadow
- Banished Knight
- Basilisk
- Bear
- Bedouin
- Black Knight
- Blackflame Monk
- Bladed Talon Eagle
- Bloody Finger Nerijus
- Bloody Finger Okina
- Boar
- Burning Slug
- G
- Giant Bat
- Giant Crab
- Giant Dragonfly
- Giant Land Octopus
- Giant Lobster
- Giant Poison Flower
- Giant Rat
- Glintstone Sorcerer
- Gnoll
- Godrick Knight
- Godrick Soldier
- Gold Dragon Cult Knight
- Golem
- Great Horned Tragoth
- Guillemot
- L
- Land Octopus
- Land Squirt
- Lazuli Sorcerer
- Lesser Burial Watchdog
- Lesser Kindred of Rot Pests
- Lesser Pumpkin Head
- Lesser Red Wolf of Radagon
- Lesser Runebear
- Lesser Spider Hand
- Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit
- Lesser Wormface
- Living Jar
- M
- Mad Tongue Alberich
- Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan
- Maneuverable Flamethrower
- Marionette Gargoyle
- Marionette Soldier
- Millicent
- Miner
- Misbegotten
- Moongrum Carian Knight
- Mounted Knight
- Mounted Northern Mercenary